Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Fine Weather Continues

Another perfect day for weather on Friday. Again runray 07 but this time in Alpha November. This was a much better session, this time with Steve. He's always keen to get the student doing everything so for the first time I took the aircraft for fuel - look at me with my taxis solo! I taxied and turned into the wind by the bowser and he joined me once the refuel was done to show me signing for the fuel and noting the correct amount (not the big display). All good experience.

This week my circuits were a bit messy, but much better than last week's debacle. I was having a mental blank over the air speed indicator being in knots in Alpha November where Tango Echo shows MPH on the outside. I did the first couple of landings at 80 kts thinking that was 80 MPH or 70 kts - very shabby. We placed much more focus on the final and landing. As usual I'm landing too flat, need to hold off longer. The heat means there are some strong themals when decending over the car auction car park - massive piece of tarmac just before the boundary. I also made some more positive decisions to go around. Remember Ian, don't exceed 400ft over the airfield. 

There was another PA28 in the circuit with what looked like a less experienced pilot - they certainly were well over the 800ft mark - a place I know well! A couple of circuits were skewed trying not to catch them up so Steve radioed the tower and advised we'd like to cut the corner off, turning just on the far airfield boundary after the tower so we could nip ahead. This odd manouver once again spoiled my concentration for a bit but we were soon back on track. I probably shouldn't let this kind of thing get to me. We even caught them up again by the end of the session.

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