Tuesday 2 July 2013

Kinda Like Texas

This week was pretty warm, gentle winds and with hazy sunshine. For a change I was never really in any doubt that the lesson would go ahead. The wind was somewhat variable and I think it maxed out at 7 kts. We were using runway 25 as almost usual and today's aircraft was Tango Echo.

I didn't have many problems with the circuit today and so the final and landing were very much the focus. For some reason I started letting go of the throttle below 500 ft again - a habit I thought I'd knocked on the head.

Barrie said my approach setup was very good but I kept neglecting to check the power settings. I should make a rough setting once out of the turn onto base and then check again once the flaps, attitude and trim have been set. A good set up on base allows for a consistent glide slope on final.

The part that really reminded me of Texas - apart from keeping the door open as long as possible - was the round out and landing. I did one really amazing 'greaser' as Barrie called it but only with him saying hold off, hold off, hold off. I was pulling the stick back at just the right rate during that landing, in time with his instruction. I just need to judge that for myself! At one stage we flew along the runway holding off - just like Texas only with less room.

Must get a few pix from the air one day!

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