Wednesday 10 July 2013

Stunning Day, Not so Stunning Flying

Last Friday was great for flying if perhaps a little warm. The wind scarcely got over 4 kts and visibility was good if not perfect. I mean look at the sky behind the control tower:-

For some reason I was pretty awful though. I couldn't do medium level turns without climbing, couldn't manage straight and level, was behind the aircraft all the way. We were in Tango Echo and using runway 07 (not my fave). We'd taken off for the first circuit when the tower said they'd forgotten to tell us about Class D airspace taking effect in 6 minutes. They were happy for us to fly as long as we set the transponder appropriately. Sadly Tango Echo doesn't have a transponder (nor pitot heat, nor landing light) so we had to land for 35 minutes until the restriction cleared. Normally this restriction is because of a Royal Flight, the cynical story in the club house was that Prince Andrew was off to play golf. Once cleared we rushed to the aircraft, dashed off the checks and galloped into the air. All of this seemed to put me on the back foot though. All too high, trying too hard to get down and generally making a hash of things.

Barrie said next time we'd go into the local area and practice these 'easy' manuouvers until they were polished. Fair enough. I think on reflection I was feeling a bit under the weather and the heat, lesson disruption and right hand circuit didn't help - one to consider for the future I think.

I'd seriously like to spend a whole week doing lessons but my immediate work schedule is going to make that difficult.

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