Friday 24 May 2013

One Hit, One Miss

I had a great lesson with Steve on Wednesday. The conditions were okay if somewhat cross windy. We were flying from runway 25 in Tango Echo - a good combination for me. Steve had me book out on the phone and there was some friendly chatting with Jamie in the tower. I did almost all of the radio work and was praised for my circuit shapes. All went well including approaches - until the actual landing. The first two were heavy and off centre and as a result Steve told me to practise going around. Cross wind landings need more practise, but I felt pretty pleased with myself as Steve was quiet for most of the circuit. Today I actually feel I'm getting closer to that solo.

As a result I booked a last minute lesson with Barrie for Friday [today]. Of course the weather was terrible with very strong gusts and so Barrie cancelled. It is with new resolve that I plan to study for Air Law this weekend. Let's get that swine out of the way!

I've exchanged a couple of messages on Facebook with Tony. He's teaching in Florida now and is keen for me to go over there once I have my license. Frankly there isn't much I'd rather do flying wise. Texas was very freeing and I'd love to fly in the States again.

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