Sunday 2 June 2013

Landing Without Flaps

I flew on Friday afternoon with Steve. After last week's dissing of Tango Echo I chose Alpha November for this lesson. A lot more of the equipment is fitted and working in Alpha November - more things to check like an HSI. I'd forgotten the seats don't adjust very well so a cushion was fetched from Tango Echo. A bit of trouble starting her, so plenty of priming. Today we were using Runway 25 and the regular circuit, there was a 9 knot crosswind from the north.

We did a few standard circuits with crossing - lots of rudder and some firm landings but things felt pretty good. I need to hold off a little better and not jerk back the controls for ballooning. I'm feeling more in control and much more like I did in Texas. Steve then suggested some landing without flaps. A quick mid-air brief - the approach would be with a higher nose angle to control the speed, but the speed would be 75 knots. It was really nice to try something different and I felt pretty happy with the new technique.

Next time Steve promised engine failure practice - I haven't touched on this since Texas. Steve mentioned something about a factor of 1.4 - I guess we don't glide as far in England.

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