Saturday 18 May 2013

Fear of the Ground

I had a very good lesson with Barrie on Friday. It was bright and overcast with a layer of cloud at 3000ft. Wind was around almost straight down the runway at 10 kts and we were using runway 07 - not my traditional favourite though it worked out pretty well today.  There wasn't much messing around, alpha check and we were off. I entirely missed the pre-flight power checks while Barrie tried to sort out some static on the radio. Oops. The first circuit was a bit rough and the second was marred by somebody in a C152 cutting in front of us not leaving much room and forcing a bit of slow flight to let him land. My circuits were okay and my setup and approach seemed to be working. However once again my tendency to pull back on the stick while on finals rises its head again - too slow and too low. Barrie told me it's quite common - the instinct to pull away from the ground as one gets close. He came up with the idea to put his hand behind the stick to stop me if I pull back. After a couple of circuits it started to work and I had a great lesson. Anyway here's G-BPTE waiting for me.

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