Wednesday 9 March 2011

Blue Sky Circuits

Another lesson on Sunday in what seemed to be absolutely perfect weather after the 'orrible stuff we've had recently. Tony did mention it was a bit bumpy - he really wasn't kidding.

Today we're flying G-BPTE. I enjoy flying Tango Echo more than Alpha November for some reason - better pedals perhaps. Tango Echo has one down side though, the airspeed indicator is in mph most prominently which means we're remembering 80 mph rather than 70 kts. That and the left tank fuel gauge doesn't work.

So a few more circuits cut somewhat short because of the gusty conditions. Several times we were all nicely lined up on finals and a gust throws everything around. We were using runway 07 today. It seems Blackbushe only uses the M3 side of the airfield for circuits, so today was all right hand turns.

I seem to be picking up the beginning of the circuit, the initial climb, turn crosswind, level at 800ft and then turn downwind. It's the base and final legs that I was struggling with.
  • From downwind, initiate turn, turn on carb heat.
  • As soon as the turn is complete immediately reduce power to [1600 rpm] and maintain 800ft.
  • Once we're within Vfe lower two stages of flap - maintain altitude and slow to 70 kts (or 80 mph if you insist).
  • Trim for 70 kts. I'll say it again because I keep forgetting. Trim the aircraft for 70 kts.
  • Initiate descent and use a 15° turn onto final.
  • Choose the aiming point on the runway.
  • At 300 ft add the third stage of flap and turn off carb heat.
  • Are we high, are we low, are we fast, are we slow.
  • Maintain 70 kts, keeping the runway picture.
  • If we're too high reduce power, too low increase power. Don't use the control column to adjust that. Adjustments of 100 RPM or so.
  • If we're too fast or slow adjust attitude.
  • Once we're over the runway reduce power.
  • and then flare.
Which of course the real trick.

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