Monday 8 June 2015

Towards the Skills Test

With my qualifying cross country out of the way it's time to study for my Skills Test. I know right?

These are the topics for the Skills Test and the methods.

Navigation with diversion
  • Prepare navigation to west for all lessons
  • Diversion may use VOR

Steep turns
  • L & R 360°
  • 45ยบ
  • add power
  • back pressure
  • rudder balance

Slow flight
  • 10kts above stall
  • reduce power
  • raise nose
  • at correct speed increase power
  • power and attitude to maintain speed
  • trim

Safe Slow Cruise

Aiming for:- 75kts 20° flaps 2300 RPM
  • Reduce power by 300 RPM. 
  • Hold attitude and wait for speed
  • 10° flap & trim add 100 RPM
  • 20° flap & trim add 200 RPM 

Spiral Dive Recovery
  • Throttle closed, flaps up, ailerons neutral
  • Verify spins direction (turn coordinator)
  • Apply full opposite rudder
  • Pause
  • Move control column centrally forward to unstall. Wait until rotation stops
  • Centralise controls
  • Level wings
  • As nose rises above horizon, add power

Stalls - HASELL
  • Clean power off - recover at examiners command, rudder for balance
  • 20° flap in turn [base leg] - recover at first sign of stall, recover then level wings
  • 30° flap [simulated final] - recover at first sign of stall, drag flap away

Stall recovery - show positive action. 

PFL / Precautionary landing
  • Immediate Action [aviate]
    • Glide & trim
    • Select Field thinking WIND
    • Plan Approach - upwind end of field
  • Heights [aviate]
    • Downwind 1500'
    • Base 1000'
  • Fly towards field [navigate]
  • Check failure [aviate]
    • fuel - tanks, pump
    • mixture
    • mags
    • icing - carburettor 
  • Mayday [communicate]

  • Circle and identify last known position on map
  • Draw line to chosen divert
  • Find heading
  • Wind Correction
  • Distance
  • Time

Instrument Flight and Nav
  • VOR - Flag FROM / TO
    • Tune (CPT 114.35)
    • Ident (morse)
    • Test
    • Set
  • Instrument flight - T instruments

  • Normal
  • Flapless (+5 kts)
  • Glide (+5 kts)

Rejected Take-Off

Engine Failure After Take-Off

Technical Questions
  • SEP License validation and renewal (CAP804 flight crew licensing)
  • Weather minimums
  • Best rate & angle
  • Engine technical
  • Talk through route
    • Current weather, fronts, minimums
    • Obstacles
    • Controlled Airspace

Skills Checklist
  1. Aircraft checked & prep for flight
  2. Flight Plog including fuel calculations
  3. NOTAMS - print narrow route
  4. Weather - print
  5. Chart prepared for flight
  6. Weight & Balance
  7. Performance Take-Off & Landing (Airfield chart AIS)
  8. Aircraft Documents
    • Pilot Operating Handbook
    • Certificate of Airworthiness
    • Certificate of release to service
    • Tech log
    • Insurance
    • Tx/Rx License
    • Original documents checked