Tuesday 17 June 2014

Solo Navigation Exercise

Fluffy cloud day
Again I've let a couple of lessons get past without updating my blog. The first was a PFL (Practice Forced Landing) exercise and a session of circuits originally scheduled as the solo navex but the cloud cover was a bit too low out to the west. I'm not sure I entirely had my flying head on so things weren't very good. Firstly we were using runway 07 which I haven't used it for ages and it was never a favourite as previously discussed. Secondly there was a light cross-wind which I never managed to master. The PFL involved looking for an appropriate field and flying a partial circuit around it to land as much into the wind as possible. Watching out for things like pylons and making decisions based on what was around us. I know I did this in Texas, but that was at the airfield so there was only one choice to make, although we did actually land without power there. It was then back to Blackbushe for some circuits. After a few circuits Barrie sent me solo largely to encourage me to think for myself. Two go arounds and one landing later I was still not paying attention to speed and letting the cross-wind get the better of me.

Thatcham ahead
The week after was quite different. The winds were very light and variable - notably no wind down the runway. This time we were on 25. A couple of okay landings with a bit of floating and Barrie finally was able to send me off on my navex. This was amazing! I fluffed the initial radio call to Farnborough - I got quite distracted by including the work Student in my call sign and forgot aircraft type, POB and destination airfield!
After that I settled down and things got much better.I was a tiny bit late starting the initial leg and so ended up a little south of Welford - not too bad though.

Turning around Welford
 As I flew the first leg there was a general warning from Farnborough about congestion over Highclere which was a bit unusual and mildly worrying since I was heading that way to Overton. Unphased I reported my position and ETA to Overton and carried on. This leg was pretty spot on with very little correction of height or heading required. Over Highclere I did get a good view of a Chinook on my left wing coming towards me on my level. I guess part of that congestion!


Captain Smith

I circled Overton a few times thinking I had a problem with the heading indicator. I think I just wasn't letting it settle down after turns. Again I reported my position and requested a MATZ penetration for Odiham. All nice and smooth.

No gliders today around Odiham thank goodness. As soon as I reached Basingstoke I could see Blackbushe on the nose in the distance. Well before I approached Hook I turned North avoiding Blackbushe ATZ and doing the standard arrival. This was a great flight, a beautiful day and my longest solo flight to date!

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