Thursday 1 May 2014

What was it now - Oh yes Circuits

A couple more lessons, both circuits. I don't feel I've really got over the long weather / holiday break at the beginning of the year so when Barrie suggested circuits I wholeheartedly agreed. We're back in Alpha-November with runway 25 in use for both.

My first hour long session was pretty awful and I think it was partly due to a poor night's sleep and a quite variable cross wind. My flare had just vanished. My circuits were pretty much fine it was just that last manoeuvre. That and calling Downwind when I was on Final much to the amusement of Steve who was arriving back in Charlie-Whisky.

The following week went much better. Barrie offered a demonstration but I felt good and nailed it first time.Almost no wind and I knocked off half a dozen circuits with fairly good landings each time.  Low cloud meant a low level circuit at around 600ft, but that didn't seem to deter me.

I've booked ground school with Derek Davidson at the beginning of May and Barrie suggests I save my flying until after I knock off the exams. It looks like I only have a few more flights before we start doing solo navigation and examiner stuff and it's really the exams holding me back. Derek has advertised for years in Flyer and both Barrie and David Cue have recommended him on reputation so off I go.

It's amazing to think in a relatively few short lessons I may well be out there on my own!

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