Monday 10 March 2014

Petworth and Petersfield

I finally had another lesson on Thursday after about two months off. Appalling weather and work timing meant a big gap. Thursday was overcast in Newbury but Blackbushe was bright and a little blustery. Barrie had changed the route and we were heading south towards Goodwood. The route went Petworth - Petersfield - Haslefield and back to Blackbushe. The was the odd fierce gust as we took off - not welcome. We transitted Farnborough at around 2000ft - another first!

Some of the Red Air Fleet
The navigation exercise wasn't too bad though the wind at 2000ft was stronger than anticipated and I have this terrible tendancy to lock my focus inside the aircraft when I'm using the map or doing FREDA checks - not good. Add to that the death-grip on the controls means I often lose several hundred feet or turn to the left. These bad habits mean I'm frequently climbing back to altitude or correcting my course and as Barrie pointed out can be fatal if we're flying lower.

Exams are becoming a block to progress at the moment so I really need to get on with that. My new Air Navigation book arrived today so GET SOME WORK DONE!

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