Friday 9 August 2013

Come on, Exams!

I missed last week because the weather wasn't great - low cloud and very strong crosswinds. I got as far as the cockpit but it wasn't to be as more low cloud gathered. I did have a chat with Barrie afterwards about exams.

I've been working on my Air Law exam in the last couple of weeks - a few more good sessions and Barrie says I will be soloing, but not without this and the Human Factors exam. So off I go. Work has been unexpectedly busy this week otherwise I'd probably have gone for it. A work course next week means it's unlikely to happen then, so maybe I'll book a shed load of time off the week after and sort all this out.

A did fly today however. Today we had Tango Echo using runway 25. A bit of weirdness with radios - people kept cutting over me. Once again I got to fuel the aircraft by myself - a disconcerting moment seeing the bowser drive off as I pulled up, but only a few minutes delay as they fueled a nearby R22. Barrie joined me just as I was about to start up again.

I was dealing with a 10kt crosswind again today - things were quite variable. Out of seven circuits a couple were awful, a couple I went around (much to the praise to Barrie) and the remaining three were close to being good.

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