Saturday 25 August 2012

Tempus Fugit

It's been about three weeks since I last posted - how remiss of me. I've had two lessons in that time. Alpha-November is back from her inspection which I'm happy about.

The first had perfect still hot weather and my flying reflected that. Everything was much improved and I managed several good landings. The airfield was quiet - we're still in Olympic mode and not many people are up and about. We did land and do a long taxi back to give a corporate jet space to land at one point.

The week after that had strong crosswinds that were out of limits for student pilots - the first time I've heard that!

This week I flew on a Wednesday and things were a bit rougher. I need a better picture of the runway in my head as I come in to land. I was having trouble judging height and keeping an eye on the numbers, so much so that Tony thought I was aiming at the trees before the runway. Tony also emphasised the use of rudder and gave me a rudder 101 refresh brief after the lesson. I really don't use enough especially noticeable in a crosswind. Also many gentle prods to complete the Air Law exam which I've started reading for. Olympic restrictions have been lifted and the circuit was noticeably busier.

At work the MD (who has been a pilot for many years) has taken an interest and has been giving me encouragement. He's lent me a copy of Alan Bramson's Make Better Landings which he highly recommended.

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