Sunday 26 February 2012

Happy Landings

Last Friday's lesson was the most positive lesson I've had for ages. I'd been watching the METAR all morning from the office. I saw the cloud rising, the weather clearing up and the wind picking up. By 3pm there was blue sky, broken cloud around 2000 feet and a 14 knot almost directly down runway 25.

We took off and flew towards Reading to get me into handling the aircraft and then returned to Blackbushe to do some circuits. For the first time I felt in control of the aircraft through the whole circuit. I even did most of the radio calls. My turns onto base and final legs were much more under control (except the last one where I think I was getting carried away)

Most importantly I landed the plane a couple of times without hands on assistance from Tony. A lot still to learn - there was a couple of ballooned landings, one go around but I finally feel I can see what I should be doing.

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