Monday 28 April 2008

Not The Big Day

So it is a slightly disappointed Ian that reports that Saturday's lesson didn't happen. The crosswinds in the afternoon were too high for the poor little Cessna 152 which is rated for 12 knots. Winds on the day must have been around 15 knots - the windsock was pretty full and the Piper PA-28's were still flying (rated for 17 knots).

Happily I went though the pre-flight talk with my instructor Stuart. By far the best explanation of how a wing/tailplane works I've heard! We then ran through the A checks for the 152 and he talked a great deal about them. So many types of locking nut! He even took time to check my headset with the tower - marvellous, my e-Bay purchase wasn't wasted!

During the checks and my time on the airfield we saw a Hawker Hunter from Delta Jets going through its paces - an amazing display of 1950's air power. It's vertical climb right above us was stunning!

It turns out my aircraft wasn't G-BRUM as I thought. It looks like they've got themselves a new 152 G-BSZW which after a bit of a dig seems to have arrived in March.

I've booked another lesson for next Sunday and several Sundays to come so I really hope I can fly next weekend!

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