Monday 28 September 2015

Thruxton and Other Stories

This weekend was quite abig flying weekend for me. On Saturday I met David who runs a local non-equity group for a PA28 and a C182 and he took me up for a little trial in their PA28. I was pretty much sold before we started but a long talk with David and a quick flight were all it took to persuade me. I've now got my own key for Delta-Juliet. Amazing! The Blackbushe airspace was extremely busy because the weather was perfect.

On Sunday I'd booked Alpha-November for the afternoon with a view to doing a club currency with Will and then on for a land-away at Thruxton.

The time with Will was extremely valuable - a different interpretation of circuits to Barrie. Will emphasised doing circuits as big as possible giving as much time as possible to complete each step. He also suggested a power setting of 2100-2200 for the circuit since Alpha-November is faster than the C152 and microlights common in the circuit. It also gives more time to get through the work. He also pointed out we're aiming for 500 feet when turning final and the workload Speed -> Runway Picture -> repeat. I felt much happier for my planned flight that afternoon.

After a swift cuppa for me and some fuel for Alpha-November I set off on a direct line to Thruxton, talking to Farnborough LARS and getting Odiham MATZ transit so I could clip the edge. A fantastic day with very little traffic and wind straight down the runway - nice. Arrival at Thruxton was pretty quick - I feel most of the flight was taxying around both airfields and departure pattern. Thruxton were very helpful and I was almost on top of the airfield before I saw it - I'd just spotted the runway right in front of me when they asked if I had visual. I flew what felt like an enormous circuit - I think I went too far down wind. There was a very long run in on final. The landing was a bit heavier than I'd have liked. A long taxi back on the grass and parking up on the beautifully marked apron. The restaurant was closed but the flying club kindly made me a cup of tea.