Wednesday 23 May 2012

More Practice Required

I had a lesson last Friday and today. Hoorah for the weather! Boo! for performance. On Friday after a month of no flying we were doing circuits using runway 07 - the reverse of the prevailing conditions which made life a little more difficult. Suffice to say that I wasn't really very good. Tony's advice was that I needed to walk through the circuit again. A quick practice at that and I'm back again.

Today was a CAVOK day, the hottest since last summer I suspect, at 26ยบ. That didn't help much. Too slow, too fast, too high and too low. All over the sky. I'll admit there was some interesting turbulence from the heat. Once again I was often behind the aircraft, not being ready for the next step. What made things worse was, say, missing the 500ft mark which mean't I went on to miss the 800ft mark and then also the turn onto downwind.

I have another lesson on Friday. The forecast for the week looks good, I must concentrate and do better. I also need to learn the downwind checks properly along with the take-off brief.